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Curriculum Development Procedures

(Updated June 6, 2022 to include Computer Science)

Curriculum, instruction, and assessment throughout the system are monitored and adjusted systematically in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination of professional practice. 

Curriculum development begins with the establishment of overall educational goals based on Wyoming Content and Performance Standards. Course Content Standards and Student Learning Objectives are then developed which represent a balance between a subject-centered curriculum and a student-centered curriculum. Curriculum evaluation and improvement are essential and are embedded within the process.

Elements of the Curriculum

The curriculum consists of three distinct elements which directly align to each other and the District's Content and Performance Standards. (The District has adopted the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards as district standards):

  1. Standards-based Instructional Objectives, which define the course program;
  2. Instructional materials (the resources for teaching); and
  3. Standards-based Assessment designed to measure student proficiency.

Curriculum Development Process

The Curriculum Development processes:

  1. Provide a meaningful educational experience for all students;
  2. Establish definite standards-based student learning objectives in each content area;
  3. Close the gap between what is taught and what should be taught;
  4. Evaluate the curriculum to provide for continuous curriculum improvement;
  5. Ensure guaranteed curriculum, curriculum coordination, and curriculum alignment within, between and across grade levels;
  6. Ensure consistent grading practices throughout the system and across like courses;
  7. Determine student proficiency levels in regards to meeting the Wyoming standards;
  8. Provide a process for staff and community input through Board of Trustee meetings;
  9. Provide a systematic process which will increase integration of relevant and authentic learning opportunities across the disciplines;
  10. Reduce unnecessary duplication, fragmentation in scope and sequence, and ensures responsible use of resources.
  11. Monthly curriculum reports will be developed to inform the Board of progress and recommendations.

State and District Standards

Washakie County School District No. 1 has adopted the Wyoming Content and Performance standards as the District's standards. This includes standards for the following areas:

  1. Language Arts
  2. Mathematics
  3. Science
  4. Social Studies
  5. Health
  6. Physical Education
  7. Fine and Performing Arts
  8. Career/Vocational
  9. Foreign Language
  10. Computer Science

Assessment Standards

Students must demonstrate proficiency on standards through successful performance on District Assessments (DA's). District Assessments are aligned to the specific course objectives within the standard area. The required level of performance necessary to meet the District's expectation is typically a level 3 on a 4-level standards-based rubric.

The Curriculum Revision Process

Management of major changes in the instructional program is handled by the Curriculum and Assessment Department. The following process is recommended to maintain effective communication and appropriate planning.  Dates may be adjusted to satisfy Hathaway and/or Wyoming State Reporting requirements.


New Course

Course Revision Requests


  1. October.  Department explores new course to be added to a program of study (course must be tied to a program of study per state standards).
  2. Department develops Course Syllabus which outlines the following:
    1. Course Name
    2. Course Instructor (Instructor must be certified and Highly Qualified in the course to be taught)
    3. Course Description
    4. Textbook Requirements
    5. Course Standards
    6. Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes
    7. Pacing Guide
    8. Common Grading Procedures for Standards Proficiency
    9. Technology Integration Plan
    10. Course Assessments – CFAs and Unit Tests
  3. Department outlines Research which supports the need for the new course.
  4. November.  Department consults with Curriculum Director and outlines where the course fits in the Graduation and Hathaway Requirements.  Course is submitted for Hathaway Approval as appropriate.
  5. December.  Department prepares a Budget Plan and an Action Plan for the implementation of the proposed course.
  6. December.  Department presents the proposed course to the Building Administrator, Curriculum Director, Business Manager, SpEd Director, and SIS Coordinator as appropriate for preliminary approval.
  7. January.  Curriculum Director presents the proposed course to the Board of Trustees as necessary and appropriate.
  8. FebruarySIS Coordinator with support from HS Registrar, Webmaster
    1. Update IC
    2. Set up course, sections
    3. Changes Course Catalog/Website
  9. August.  Department team implements the course.



  1. October.  Department reviews course to be revised within a program of study (course must be tied to a program of study per state standards).
  2. Department team revises Course Syllabus which outlines the following:
    1. Course Name
    2. Course Instructor (Instructor must be certified and Highly Qualified in the course to be taught)
    3. Course Description
    4. Textbook Requirements
    5. Course Standards
    6. Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes
    7. Pacing Guide
    8. Common Grading Procedures for Standards Proficiency
    9. Technology Integration Plan
    10. Course Assessments – CFAs and Unit Tests
  3. Department outlines Research which supports the need to revise the course.
  4. November.  Department consults with Curriculum Director and outlines where the course fits in the Graduation and Hathaway Requirements.  Course is submitted for Hathaway Approval as appropriate.
  5. December.  Department prepares a Budget Plan outlining costs associated with the proposed course revisions.
  6. December.  Department team presents proposed revisions to the Building Administrator, Curriculum Director, Business Manager, SpEd Director, and SIS coordinator for preliminary approval.
  7. January.  Curriculum Director presents the revised course to the Board of Trustees as necessary and appropriate.
  8. FebruarySIS Coordinator with support from HS Registrar, Webmaster
    1. Update IC
    2. Revises course, sections
    3. Revises Course Catalog/Website
  9. August.  Department team implements the course.


The above process may be modified if necessary.

Pilot Programs

Pilot programs may be used to evaluate elective courses, textbooks, instructional methodologies which would alter curriculum content or sequence, computer software and new technology.  Teachers, administrators, and the Curriculum Director involved must agree to the specific pilot guidelines.


REVISED: March 16, 2015, June 6, 2022