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ESSA Transition

Dear Parent and/or Guardian:

In line with federal legislation, Wyoming is transitioning from the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). With this change, Wyoming is moving away from AYP requirements of Supplemental Education Services (SES), public school choice, and AYP notifications to parents.

Instead, parents and guardians will notice alternative supports for students eligible for SES and for schools with the greatest need. Washakie County School District No. 1 has opted to focus on improving the overall quality of our student support system with a focus on a Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) which includes Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Alternative suggestions and methods are still being examined – additional information will be available during monthly Board of Trustee meetings and from local neighborhood schools.

While in transition:

  •  Schools are expected to improve each year in line with the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act (WAEA).
  •  Comprehensive Improvement Plans are posted to the district website, and are developed based on the individual needs of each school. Comprehensive plans are dynamic and fluid documents.
  •  Elementary students who previously transferred to another school under the school choice option are welcome to remain in that school through the 5th Grade.
  • The district prides itself on its continuous improvement efforts and works diligently to continuously improve instructional strategies and to provide supplemental opportunities to help students improve their skills in all content areas.

AYP legislation required the district to annually notify parents of each school’s AYP results. However, the Wyoming Department of Education has announced that AYP results will no longer be published. As we transition from NCLB to ESSA, the district has established results-based District and School Improvement Plans that identify and address any areas of low student achievement. District and Building Administration and Leadership Teams take this responsibility very seriously and would like to assure you that:

  • District and School Improvement Plans are in place to address identified needs in Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics.
  • Strategic, targeted interventions are in place to address the individual needs of all non-proficient students.
  • Title I set asides have been allocated to provide professional development for teachers and administrators to address the needs of non-proficient students. Additional set asides have been allocated to provide supplemental services designed to further assist qualified students in becoming proficient.
  • Scientifically-based curricula are in place for Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics district wide.
  • Research-proven writing interventions are in place that are designed to improve reading comprehension, increase consistency among grade level teachers, ensure strategic progression of skills from Kindergarten through 8th Grade, and enhance writing interventions at the high school level.
  • Extended Day learning support services (such as “Homework Club”) are available at each school to support classroom-based instruction in Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics.

Suggestions to help you work with your student’s school to support improvement efforts:

  • Talk with district/school staff about our District/School Improvement Plans to help students achieve proficiency on all Wyoming State Standards including Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics.
  • Support and reinforce your student’s good study habits and review their homework and test results.
  • Ask about Extended Day learning support services, such as Homework Club, that are available to support your student’s learning outside of the regular school day.
  • Visit your child’s school and volunteer.

Our entire staff works diligently to ensure that every child meets high academic standards in a safe and caring learning environment. We encourage you to contact your building principal for information on any of these requirements and to find out how you can become involved in district/school improvement efforts.


Jody Rakness, Curriculum Coordinator/Grants Manager

Contact Information

Washakie County School District #1
1900 Howell Avenue
Worland, Wyoming 82401
Phone: 307-347-9286

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